Appointments Refunds & Cancellation Policy

Refund Policy

If you are unsatisfied with your appointment for any reason Life2come, Inc. will give you a credit for your session for the full time of your session with a minimum of 20 minutes. Your credit will allow you to get an additional 20 minute session for free in the hopes that you will be happy with your session and become a trusted client in the future. If you do not want a credit for a free future session, you can request a full refund. Your request for a full refund must be made within 24 hours of your appointment. You can fill out the Reach Us form and complete the message section telling us why you want the refund and what it was that was unsatisfactory about your experience. Based on an evaluation of your stated message, we will determine to give you a credit for a free future session or a full money refund. All money refunds will be credited to your credit card company or through PayPal. If you receive a full money refund, you will no longer be welcome on our service and will be blocked from booking future appointments. Life2come, Inc. reserves the right to prevent you from using the service in the future and to cancel your account.

Appointment cancellation Policy

Any appointment made can be cancelled by responding to your emailed appointment or text confirmation. Simply reply to the email or text and note that you would like to cancel or reschedule your appointment.  All appointment cancellations done online must be done prior to 1 hour before the scheduled appointment.  All missed appointments are subject to a fee of up to 100% of the fee charged for that appointment. You may request a refund or a credit for a missed appointment

Repeatedly missing appointments may impact your ability to create future appointments with our advisors. Life2come, Inc. reserves the right to suspend your ability to use the appointment feature in the event of repeated missed appointments.