About Us

Welcome to Life2come

If you can’t fly, then run.

If you can’t run, then walk.

If you can’t walk, then crawl.

but by all means, keep moving. 

-Martin Luther King Jr. 

The journey has just begun if you are at a time in your life that your parents, a loved one, a friend, or a special person is transitioning their new life of getting older. We are inspired by our journey caring for our mother with Lewy Body Dementia. She was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia in 2008. We cared for her and our father at home for 5 years before she was entered into a nursing home facility. 

It was always my hope to share all of the information that we had learned with families of newly diagnosed patients of ADRD – Alzheimer’s Disease-Related Dementias, LBD – Lewy Body Dementia, PRD – Parkinson’s Related Dementia, Vascular Dementia, and other related cognitive impairments

 We research products and try them out before we offer them to you on the website. If you have ideas or recommendations for products that have worked well for you as a caregiver, please do not hesitate to let us know so that we can offer these items to our users. 

We will donate a portion of your purchase to the Lewy Body Dementia Association until Dec. 31, 2020. In January we will pivot and change charities. I want to research the charities before we donate to them to make sure that they are valid and honest people that are working to really help. 

We hope you will like our store as much as we do and have a great shopping experience here. Our prime goal is to create a shop in which you can easily find whatever product you need while caring for your loved one with a Dementia type disease and pick up a few special items for yourself.

Many Blessings and Good Luck! 

Julie Hite & Shauna Maier

Our core values

Be Adventurous, Creative, and Open-Minded
Create Long-Term Relationships with Our Customers
Pursue Growth and Learning
Inspire Happiness and Positivity
Make Sure Our Customers are Happy

Keep in contact with us

We're continually working on our online store and are open to any suggestions. If you have any questions or proposals, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Our partners

We work with the world's most popular and trusted companies so that you can enjoy safe shopping and fast delivery.